

(->uniprotCitation src)
Positional factory function for class clj_biosequence.uniprot.uniprotCitation.


(->uniprotComment src)
Positional factory function for class clj_biosequence.uniprot.uniprotComment.


(->uniprotConnection acc-list retype email)
Positional factory function for class clj_biosequence.uniprot.uniprotConnection.


(->uniprotDbRef src)
Positional factory function for class clj_biosequence.uniprot.uniprotDbRef.


(->uniprotFeature src)
Positional factory function for class clj_biosequence.uniprot.uniprotFeature.


(->uniprotFile file opts)
Positional factory function for class clj_biosequence.uniprot.uniprotFile.


(->uniprotGene src)
Positional factory function for class clj_biosequence.uniprot.uniprotGene.


(->uniprotInterval src)
Positional factory function for class clj_biosequence.uniprot.uniprotInterval.


(->uniprotProtein src)
Positional factory function for class clj_biosequence.uniprot.uniprotProtein.


(->uniprotReader strm)
Positional factory function for class clj_biosequence.uniprot.uniprotReader.


(->uniprotTaxRef src)
Positional factory function for class clj_biosequence.uniprot.uniprotTaxRef.


(init-uniprot-connection accessions retype email)
Initialises a connection which can be used with bs-reader to open a
lazy list of uniprotProteins from the Uniprot servers.


(init-uniprot-file path & opts)
Initialises a uniprotXmlFile object for use with bs-reader.


(map->uniprotCitation m__5869__auto__)
Factory function for class clj_biosequence.uniprot.uniprotCitation, taking a map of keywords to field values.


(map->uniprotComment m__5869__auto__)
Factory function for class clj_biosequence.uniprot.uniprotComment, taking a map of keywords to field values.


(map->uniprotConnection m__5869__auto__)
Factory function for class clj_biosequence.uniprot.uniprotConnection, taking a map of keywords to field values.


(map->uniprotDbRef m__5869__auto__)
Factory function for class clj_biosequence.uniprot.uniprotDbRef, taking a map of keywords to field values.


(map->uniprotFeature m__5869__auto__)
Factory function for class clj_biosequence.uniprot.uniprotFeature, taking a map of keywords to field values.


(map->uniprotFile m__5869__auto__)
Factory function for class clj_biosequence.uniprot.uniprotFile, taking a map of keywords to field values.


(map->uniprotGene m__5869__auto__)
Factory function for class clj_biosequence.uniprot.uniprotGene, taking a map of keywords to field values.


(map->uniprotInterval m__5869__auto__)
Factory function for class clj_biosequence.uniprot.uniprotInterval, taking a map of keywords to field values.


(map->uniprotProtein m__5869__auto__)
Factory function for class clj_biosequence.uniprot.uniprotProtein, taking a map of keywords to field values.


(map->uniprotReader m__5869__auto__)
Factory function for class clj_biosequence.uniprot.uniprotReader, taking a map of keywords to field values.


(map->uniprotTaxRef m__5869__auto__)
Factory function for class clj_biosequence.uniprot.uniprotTaxRef, taking a map of keywords to field values.